prediction – The Policy and Internet Blog Understanding public policy online Mon, 07 Dec 2020 14:25:42 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Can we predict electoral outcomes from Wikipedia traffic? Tue, 06 Dec 2016 15:34:31 +0000 As digital technologies become increasingly integrated into the fabric of social life their ability to generate large amounts of information about the opinions and activities of the population increases. The opportunities in this area are enormous: predictions based on socially generated data are much cheaper than conventional opinion polling, offer the potential to avoid classic biases inherent in asking people to report their opinions and behaviour, and can deliver results much quicker and be updated more rapidly.

In their article published in EPJ Data Science, Taha Yasseri and Jonathan Bright develop a theoretically informed prediction of election results from socially generated data combined with an understanding of the social processes through which the data are generated. They can thereby explore the predictive power of socially generated data while enhancing theory about the relationship between socially generated data and real world outcomes. Their particular focus is on the readership statistics of politically relevant Wikipedia articles (such as those of individual political parties) in the time period just before an election.

By applying these methods to a variety of different European countries in the context of the 2009 and 2014 European Parliament elections they firstly show that the relative change in number of page views to the general Wikipedia page on the election can offer a reasonable estimate of the relative change in election turnout at the country level. This supports the idea that increases in online information seeking at election time are driven by voters who are considering voting.

Second, they show that a theoretically informed model based on previous national results, Wikipedia page views, news media mentions, and basic information about the political party in question can offer a good prediction of the overall vote share of the party in question. Third, they present a model for predicting change in vote share (i.e., voters swinging towards and away from a party), showing that Wikipedia page-view data provide an important increase in predictive power in this context.

This relationship is exaggerated in the case of newer parties — consistent with the idea that voters don’t seek information uniformly about all parties at election time. Rather, they behave like ‘cognitive misers’, being more likely to seek information on new political parties with which they do not have previous experience and being more likely to seek information only when they are actually changing the way they vote.

In contrast, there was no evidence of a ‘media effect’: there was little correlation between news media mentions and overall Wikipedia traffic patterns. Indeed, the news media and Wikipedia appeared to be biased towards different things: with the news favouring incumbent parties, and Wikipedia favouring new ones.

Read the full article: Yasseri, T. and Bright, J. (2016) Wikipedia traffic data and electoral prediction: towards theoretically informed models. EPJ Data Science. 5 (1).

We caught up with the authors to explore the implications of the work.

Ed: Wikipedia represents a vast amount of not just content, but also user behaviour data. How did you access the page view stats — but also: is anyone building dynamic visualisations of Wikipedia data in real time?

Taha and Jonathan: Wikipedia makes its page view data available for free (in the same way as it makes all of its information available!). You can find the data here, along with some visualisations

Ed: Why did you use Wikipedia data to examine election prediction rather than (the I suppose the more fashionable) Twitter? How do they compare as data sources?

Taha and Jonathan: One of the big problems with using Twitter to predict things like elections is that contributing on social media is a very public thing and people are quite conscious of this. For example, some parties are seen as unfashionable so people might not make their voting choice explicit. Hence overall social media might seem to be saying one thing whereas actually people are thinking another.

By contrast, looking for information online on a website like Wikipedia is an essentially private activity so there aren’t these social biases. In other words, on Wikipedia we can directly have access to transactional data on what people do, rather than what they say or prefer to say.

Ed: How did these results and findings compare with the social media analysis done as part of our UK General Election 2015 Election Night Data Hack? (long title..)

Taha and Jonathan: The GE2015 data hack looked at individual politicians. We found that having a Wikipedia page is becoming increasingly important — over 40% of Labour and Conservative Party candidates had an individual Wikipedia page. We also found that this was highly correlated with Twitter presence — being more active on one network also made you more likely to be active on the other one. And we found some initial evidence that social media reaction was correlated with votes, though there is a lot more work to do here!

Ed: Can you see digital social data analysis replacing (or maybe just complementing) opinion polling in any meaningful way? And what problems would need to be addressed before that happened: e.g. around representative sampling, data cleaning, and weeding out bots?

Taha and Jonathan: Most political pundits are starting to look at a range of indicators of popularity — for example, not just voting intention, but also ratings of leadership competence, economic performance, etc. We can see good potential for social data to become part of this range of popularity indicator. However we don’t think it will replace polling just yet; the use of social media is limited to certain demographics. Also, the data collected from social media are often very shallow, not allowing for validation. In the case of Wikipedia, for example, we only know how many times each page is viewed, but we don’t know by how many people and from where.

Ed: You do a lot of research with Wikipedia data — has that made you reflect on your own use of Wikipedia?

Taha and Jonathan: It’s interesting to think about this activity of getting direct information about politicians — it’s essentially a new activity, something you couldn’t do in the pre-digital age. I know that I personally [Jonathan] use it to find out things about politicians and political parties — it would be interesting to know more about why other people are using it as well. This could have a lot of impacts. One thing Wikipedia has is a really long memory, in a way that other means of getting information on politicians (such as newspapers) perhaps don’t. We could start to see this type of thing becoming more important in electoral politics.

[Taha] .. since my research has been mostly focused on Wikipedia edit wars between human and bot editors, I have naturally become more cautious about the information I find on Wikipedia. When it comes to sensitive topics, sach as politics, Wikipedia is a good point to start, but not a great point to end the search!

Taha Yasseri and Jonathan Bright were talking to blog editor David Sutcliffe.

The physics of social science: using big data for real-time predictive modelling Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:49:27 +0000 Ed: You are interested in analysis of big data to understand human dynamics; how much work is being done in terms of real-time predictive modelling using these data?

Taha: The socially generated transactional data that we call “big data” have been available only very recently; the amount of data we now produce about human activities in a year is comparable to the amount that used to be produced in decades (or centuries). And this is all due to recent advancements in ICTs. Despite the short period of availability of big data, the use of them in different sectors including academia and business has been significant. However, in many cases, the use of big data is limited to monitoring and post hoc analysis of different patterns. Predictive models have been rarely used in combination with big data. Nevertheless, there are very interesting examples of using big data to make predictions about disease outbreaks, financial moves in the markets, social interactions based on human mobility patterns, election results, etc.

Ed: What were the advantages of using Wikipedia as a data source for your study — as opposed to Twitter, blogs, Facebook or traditional media, etc.?

Taha: Our results have shown that the predictive power of Wikipedia page view and edit data outperforms similar box office-prediction models based on Twitter data. This can partially be explained by considering the different nature of Wikipedia compared to social media sites. Wikipedia is now the number one source of online information, and Wikipedia article page view statistics show how much Internet users have been interested in knowing about a specific movie. And the edit counts — even more importantly — indicate the level of interest of the editors in sharing their knowledge about the movies with others. Both indicators are much stronger than what you could measure on Twitter, which is mainly the reaction of the users after watching or reading about the movie. The cost of participation in Wikipedia’s editorial process makes the activity data more revealing about the potential popularity of the movies.

Another advantage is the sheer availability of Wikipedia data. Twitter streams, by comparison, are limited in both size and time. Gathering Facebook data is also problematic, whereas all the Wikipedia editorial activities and page views are recorded in full detail — and made publicly available.

Ed: Could you briefly describe your method and model?

Taha: We retrieved two sets of data from Wikipedia, the editorial activity and the page views relating to our set of 312 movies. The former indicates the popularity of the movie among the Wikipedia editors and the latter among Wikipedia readers. We then defined different measures based on these two data streams (eg number of edits, number of unique editors, etc.) In the next step we combined these data into a linear model that assumes the more popular the movie is, the larger the size of these parameters. However this model needs both training and calibration. We calibrated the model based on the IMBD data on the financial success of a set of ‘training’ movies. After calibration, we applied the model to a set of “test” movies and (luckily) saw that the model worked very well in predicting the financial success of the test movies.

Ed: What were the most significant variables in terms of predictive power; and did you use any content or sentiment analysis?

Taha: The nice thing about this method is that you don’t need to perform any content or sentiment analysis. We deal only with volumes of activities and their evolution over time. The parameter that correlated best with financial success (and which was therefore the best predictor) was the number of page views. I can easily imagine that these days if someone wants to go to watch a movie, they most likely turn to the Internet and make a quick search. Thanks to Google, Wikipedia is going to be among the top results and it’s very likely that the click will go to the Wikipedia article about the movie. I think that’s why the page views correlate to the box office takings so significantly.

Ed: Presumably people are picking up on signals, ie Wikipedia is acting like an aggregator and normaliser of disparate environmental signals — what do you think these signals might be, in terms of box office success? ie is it ultimately driven by the studio media machine?

Taha: This is a very difficult question to answer. There are numerous factors that make a movie (or a product in general) popular. Studio marketing strategies definitely play an important role, but the quality of the movie, the collective mood of the public, herding effects, and many other hidden variables are involved as well. I hope our research serves as a first step in studying popularity in a quantitative framework, letting us answer such questions. To fully understand a system the first thing you need is a tool to monitor and observe it very well quantitatively. In this research we have shown that (for example) Wikipedia is a nice window and useful tool to observe and measure popularity and its dynamics; hopefully leading to a deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms as well.

Ed: Is there similar work / approaches to what you have done in this study?

Taha: There have been other projects using socially generated data to make predictions on the popularity of movies or movement in financial markets, however to the best of my knowledge, it’s been the first time that Wikipedia data have been used to feed the models. We were positively surprised when we observed that these data have stronger predictive power than previously examined datasets.

Ed: If you have essentially shown that ‘interest on Wikipedia’ tracks ‘real-world interest’ (ie box office receipts), can this be applied to other things? eg attention to legislation, political scandal, environmental issues, humanitarian issues: ie Wikipedia as “public opinion monitor”?

Taha: I think so. Now I’m running two other projects using a similar approach; one to predict election outcomes and the other one to do opinion mining about the new policies implemented by governing bodies. In the case of elections, we have observed very strong correlations between changes in the information seeking rates of the general public and the number of ballots cast. And in the case of new policies, I think Wikipedia could be of great help in understanding the level of public interest in searching for accurate information about the policies, and how this interest is satisfied by the information provided online. And more interestingly, how this changes overtime as the new policy is fully implemented.

Ed: Do you think there are / will be practical applications of using social media platforms for prediction, or is the data too variable?

Taha: Although the availability and popularity of social media are recent phenomena, I’m sure that social media data are already being used by different bodies for predictions in various areas. We have seen very nice examples of using these data to predict disease outbreaks or the arrival of earthquake waves. The future of this field is very promising, considering both the advancements in the methodologies and also the increase in popularity and use of social media worldwide.

Ed: How practical would it be to generate real-time processing of this data — rather than analysing databases post hoc?

Taha: Data collection and analysis could be done instantly. However the challenge would be the calibration. Human societies and social systems — similarly to most complex systems — are non-stationary. That means any statistical property of the system is subject to abrupt and dramatic changes. That makes it a bit challenging to use a stationary model to describe a continuously changing system. However, one could use a class of adaptive models or Bayesian models which could modify themselves as the system evolves and more data are available. All these could be done in real time, and that’s the exciting part of the method.

Ed: As a physicist; what are you learning in a social science department? And what does physicist bring to social science and the study of human systems?

Taha: Looking at complicated phenomena in a simple way is the art of physics. As Einstein said, a physicist always tries to “make things as simple as possible, but not simpler”. And that works very well in describing natural phenomena, ranging from sub-atomic interactions all the way to cosmology. However, studying social systems with the tools of natural sciences can be very challenging, and sometimes too much simplification makes it very difficult to understand the real underlying mechanisms. Working with social scientists, I’m learning a lot about the importance of the individual attributes (and variations between) the elements of the systems under study, outliers, self-awarenesses, ethical issues related to data, agency and self-adaptation, and many other details that are mostly overlooked when a physicist studies a social system.

At the same time, I try to contribute the methodological approaches and quantitative skills that physicists have gained during two centuries of studying complex systems. I think statistical physics is an amazing example where statistical techniques can be used to describe the macro-scale collective behaviour of billions and billions of atoms with a single formula. I should admit here that humans are way more complicated than atoms — but the dialogue between natural scientists and social scientists could eventually lead to multi-scale models which could help us to gain a quantitative understanding of social systems, thereby facilitating accurate predictions of social phenomena.

Ed: What database would you like access to, if you could access anything?

Taha: I have day dreams about the database of search queries from all the Internet users worldwide at the individual level. These data are being collected continuously by search engines and technically could be accessed, but due to privacy policy issues it’s impossible to get a hold on; even if only for research purposes. This is another difference between social systems and natural systems. An atom never gets upset being watched through a microscope all the time, but working on social systems and human-related data requires a lot of care with respect to privacy and ethics.

Read the full paper: Mestyán, M., Yasseri, T., and Kertész, J. (2013) Early Prediction of Movie Box Office Success based on Wikipedia Activity Big Data. PLoS ONE 8 (8) e71226.

Taha Yasseri was talking to blog editor David Sutcliffe.

Taha Yasseri is the Big Data Research Officer at the OII. Prior to coming to the OII, he spent two years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, working on the socio-physical aspects of the community of Wikipedia editors, focusing on conflict and editorial wars, along with Big Data analysis to understand human dynamics, language complexity, and popularity spread. He has interests in analysis of Big Data to understand human dynamics, government-society interactions, mass collaboration, and opinion dynamics.

Can Twitter provide an early warning function for the next pandemic? Mon, 14 Oct 2013 08:00:41 +0000 Image by .
Communication of risk in any public health emergency is a complex task for healthcare agencies; a task made more challenging when citizens are bombarded with online information. Mexico City, 2009. Image by Eneas.


Ed: Could you briefly outline your study?

Patty: We investigated the role of Twitter during the 2009 swine flu pandemics from two perspectives. Firstly, we demonstrated the role of the social network to detect an upcoming spike in an epidemic before the official surveillance systems – up to week in the UK and up to 2-3 weeks in the US – by investigating users who “self-diagnosed” themselves posting tweets such as “I have flu / swine flu”. Secondly, we illustrated how online resources reporting the WHO declaration of “pandemics” on 11 June 2009 were propagated through Twitter during the 24 hours after the official announcement [1,2,3].

Ed: Disease control agencies already routinely follow media sources; are public health agencies  aware of social media as another valuable source of information?

Patty:  Social media are providing an invaluable real-time data signal complementing well-established epidemic intelligence (EI) systems monitoring online media, such as MedISys and GPHIN. While traditional surveillance systems will remain the pillars of public health, online media monitoring has added an important early-warning function, with social media bringing  additional benefits to epidemic intelligence: virtually real-time information available in the public domain that is contributed by users themselves, thus not relying on the editorial policies of media agencies.

Public health agencies (such as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) are interested in social media early warning systems, but more research is required to develop robust social media monitoring solutions that are ready to be integrated with agencies’ EI services.

Ed: How difficult is this data to process? Eg: is this a full sample, processed in real-time?

Patty:  No, obtaining all Twitter search query results is not possible. In our 2009 pilot study we were accessing data from Twitter using a search API interface querying the database every minute (the number of results was limited to 100 tweets). Currently, only 1% of the ‘Firehose’ (massive real-time stream of all public tweets) is made available using the streaming API. The searches have to be performed in real-time as historical Twitter data are normally available only through paid services. Twitter analytics methods are diverse; in our study, we used frequency calculations, developed algorithms for geo-location, automatic spam and duplication detection, and applied time series and cross-correlation with surveillance data [1,2,3].

Ed: What’s the relationship between traditional and social media in terms of diffusion of health information? Do you have a sense that one may be driving the other?

Patty: This is a fundamental question. “Does media coverage of certain topic causes buzz on social media or does social media discussion causes media frenzy?” This was particularly important to investigate for the 2009 swine flu pandemic, which experienced unprecedented media interest. While it could be assumed that disease cases preceded media coverage, or that media discussion sparked public interest causing Twitter debate, neither proved to be the case in our experiment. On some days, media coverage for flu was higher, and on others Twitter discussion was higher; but peaks seemed synchronized – happening on the same days.

Ed: In terms of communicating accurate information, does the Internet make the job easier or more difficult for health authorities?

Patty: The communication of risk in any public health emergencies is a complex task for government and healthcare agencies; this task is made more challenging when citizens are bombarded with online information, from a variety of sources that vary in accuracy. This has become even more challenging with the increase in users accessing health-related information on their mobile phones (17% in 2010 and 31% in 2012, according to the US Pew Internet study).

Our findings from analyzing Twitter reaction to online media coverage of the WHO declaration of swine flu as a “pandemic” (stage 6) on 11 June 2009, which unquestionably was the most media-covered event during the 2009 epidemic, indicated that Twitter does favour reputable sources (such as the BBC, which was by far the most popular) but also that bogus information can still leak into the network.

Ed: What differences do you see between traditional and social media, in terms of eg bias / error rate of public health-related information?

Patty: Fully understanding quality of media coverage of health topics such as the 2009 swine flu pandemics in terms of bias and medical accuracy would require a qualitative study (for example, one conducted by Duncan in the EU [4]). However, the main role of social media, in particular Twitter due to the 140 character limit, is to disseminate media coverage by propagating links rather than creating primary health information about a particular event. In our study around 65% of tweets analysed contained a link.

Ed: Google flu trends (which monitors user search terms to estimate worldwide flu activity) has been around a couple of years: where is that going? And how useful is it?

Patty: Search companies such as Google have demonstrated that online search queries for keywords relating to flu and its symptoms can serve as a proxy for the number of individuals who are sick (Google Flu Trends), however, in 2013 the system “drastically overestimated peak flu levels”, as reported by Nature. Most importantly, however, unlike Twitter, Google search queries remain proprietary and are therefore not useful for research or the construction of non-commercial applications.

Ed: What are implications of social media monitoring for countries that may want to suppress information about potential pandemics?

Patty: The importance of event-based surveillance and monitoring social media for epidemic intelligence is of particular importance in countries with sub-optimal surveillance systems and those lacking the capacity for outbreak preparedness and response. Secondly, the role of user-generated information on social media is also of particular importance in counties with limited freedom of press or those that actively try to suppress information about potential outbreaks.

Ed: Would it be possible with this data to follow spread geographically, ie from point sources, or is population movement too complex to allow this sort of modelling?

Patty: Spatio-temporal modelling is technically possible as tweets are time-stamped and there is a support for geo-tagging. However, the location of all tweets can’t be precisely identified; however, early warning systems will improve in accuracy as geo-tagging of user generated content becomes widespread. Mathematical modelling of the spread of diseases and population movements are very topical research challenges (undertaken by, for example, by Colliza et al. [5]) but modelling social media user behaviour during health emergencies to provide a robust baseline for early disease detection remains a challenge.

Ed: A strength of monitoring social media is that it follows what people do already (eg search / Tweet / update statuses). Are there any mobile / SNS apps to support collection of epidemic health data? eg a sort of ‘how are you feeling now’ app?

Patty: The strength of early warning systems using social media is exactly in the ability to piggy-back on existing users’ behaviour rather than having to recruit participants. However, there are a growing number of participatory surveillance systems that ask users to provide their symptoms (web-based such as Flusurvey in the UK, and “Flu Near You” in the US that also exists as a mobile app). While interest in self-reporting systems is growing, challenges include their reliability, user recruitment and long-term retention, and integration with public health services; these remain open research questions for the future. There is also a potential for public health services to use social media two-ways – by providing information over the networks rather than only collect user-generated content. Social media could be used for providing evidence-based advice and personalized health information directly to affected citizens where they need it and when they need it, thus effectively engaging them in active management of their health.


[1.] M Szomszor, P Kostkova, C St Louis: Twitter Informatics: Tracking and Understanding Public Reaction during the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemics, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2011, WI-IAT, Vol. 1, pp.320-323.

[2.]  Szomszor, M., Kostkova, P., de Quincey, E. (2010). #swineflu: Twitter Predicts Swine Flu Outbreak in 2009. M Szomszor, P Kostkova (Eds.): ehealth 2010, Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering LNICST 69, pages 18-26, 2011.

[3.] Ed de Quincey, Patty Kostkova Early Warning and Outbreak Detection Using Social Networking Websites: the Potential of Twitter, P Kostkova (Ed.): ehealth 2009, Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering LNICST 27, pages 21-24, 2010.

[4.] B Duncan. How the Media reported the first day of the pandemic H1N1) 2009: Results of EU-wide Media Analysis. Eurosurveillance, Vol 14, Issue 30, July 2009

[5.] Colizza V, Barrat A, Barthelemy M, Valleron AJ, Vespignani A (2007) Modeling the worldwide spread of pandemic influenza: Baseline case an containment interventions. PloS Med 4(1): e13. doi:10.1371/journal. pmed.0040013

Further information on this project and related activities, can be found at: BMJ-funded scientific film: ; Can Twitter predict disease outbreaks? ; 1st International Workshop on Public Health in the Digital Age: Social Media, Crowdsourcing and Participatory Systems (PHDA 2013): ; Social networks and big data meet public health @ WWW 2013:

Patty Kostkova was talking to blog editor David Sutcliffe.

Dr Patty Kostkova is a Principal Research Associate in eHealth at the Department of Computer Science, University College London (UCL) and held a Research Scientist post at the ISI Foundation in Italy. Until 2012, she was the Head of the City eHealth Research Centre (CeRC) at City University, London, a thriving multidisciplinary research centre with expertise in computer science, information science and public health. In recent years, she was appointed a consultant at WHO responsible for the design and development of information systems for international surveillance.

Researchers who were instrumental in this project include Ed de Quincey, Martin Szomszor and Connie St Louis.

Predicting elections on Twitter: a different way of thinking about the data Sun, 04 Aug 2013 11:43:52 +0000 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney
GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, centre, waving to crowd, after delivering his acceptance speech on the final night of the 2012 Republican National Convention. Image by NewsHour.

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the potential of social media as a means to understand public opinion. Driven by an interest in the potential of so-called “big data”, this development has been fuelled by a number of trends. Governments have been keen to create techniques for what they term “horizon scanning”, which broadly means searching for the indications of emerging crises (such as runs on banks or emerging natural disasters) online, and reacting before the problem really develops. Governments around the world are already committing massive resources to developing these techniques. In the private sector, big companies’ interest in brand management has fitted neatly with the potential of social media monitoring. A number of specialised consultancies now claim to be able to monitor and quantify reactions to products, interactions or bad publicity in real time.

It should therefore come as little surprise that, like other research methods before, these new techniques are now crossing over into the competitive political space. Social media monitoring, which in theory can extract information from tweets and Facebook posts and quantify positive and negative public reactions to people, policies and events has an obvious utility for politicians seeking office. Broadly, the process works like this: vast datasets relating to an election, often running into millions of items, are gathered from social media sites such as Twitter. These data are then analysed using natural language processing software, which automatically identifies qualities relating to candidates or policies and attributes a positive or negative sentiment to each item. Finally, these sentiments and other properties mined from the text are totalised, to produce an overall figure for public reaction on social media.

These techniques have already been employed by the mainstream media to report on the 2010 British general election (when the country had its first leaders debate, an event ripe for this kind of research) and also in the 2012 US presidential election. This growing prominence led my co-author Mike Jensen of the University of Canberra and myself to question: exactly how useful are these techniques for predicting election results? In order to answer this question, we carried out a study on the Republican nomination contest in 2012, focused on the Iowa Caucus and Super Tuesday. Our findings are published in the current issue of Policy and Internet.

There are definite merits to this endeavour. US candidate selection contests are notoriously hard to predict with traditional public opinion measurement methods. This is because of the unusual and unpredictable make-up of the electorate. Voters are likely (to greater or lesser degrees depending on circumstances in a particular contest and election laws in the state concerned) to share a broadly similar outlook, so the electorate is harder for pollsters to model. Turnout can also vary greatly from one cycle to the next, adding an additional layer of unpredictability to the proceedings.

However, as any professional opinion pollster will quickly tell you, there is a big problem with trying to predict elections using social media. The people who use it are simply not like the rest of the population. In the case of the US, research from Pew suggests that only 16 per cent of internet users use Twitter, and while that figure goes up to 27 per cent of those aged 18-29, only 2 per cent of over 65s use the site. The proportion of the electorate voting for within those categories, however, is the inverse: over 65s vote at a relatively high rate compared to the 18-29 cohort. furthermore, given that we know (from research such as Matthew Hindman’s The Myth of Digital Democracy) that the only a very small proportion of people online actually create content on politics, those who are commenting on elections become an even more unusual subset of the population.

Thus (and I can say this as someone who does use social media to talk about politics!) we are looking at an unrepresentative sub-set (those interested in politics) of an unrepresentative sub-set (those using social media) of the population. This is hardly a good omen for election prediction, which relies on modelling the voting population as closely as possible. As such, it seems foolish to suggest that a simply culmination of individual preferences can simply be equated to voting intentions.

However, in our article we suggest a different way of thinking about social media data, more akin to James Surowiecki’s idea of The Wisdom of Crowds. The idea here is that citizens commenting on social media should not be treated like voters, but rather as commentators, seeking to understand and predict emerging political dynamics. As such, the method we operationalized was more akin to an electoral prediction market, such as the Iowa Electronic Markets, than a traditional opinion poll.

We looked for two things in our dataset: sudden changes in the number of mentions of a particular candidate and also words that indicated momentum for a particular candidate, such as “surge”. Our ultimate finding was that this turned out to be a strong predictor. We found that the former measure had a good relationship with Rick Santorum’s sudden surge in the Iowa caucus, although it did also tend to disproportionately-emphasise a lot of the less successful candidates, such as Michelle Bachmann. The latter method, on the other hand, picked up the Santorum surge without generating false positives, a finding certainly worth further investigation.

Our aim in the paper was to present new ways of thinking about election prediction through social media, going beyond the paradigm established by the dominance of opinion polling. Our results indicate that there may be some value in this approach.

Read the full paper: Michael J. Jensen and Nick Anstead (2013) Psephological investigations: Tweets, votes, and unknown unknowns in the republican nomination process. Policy and Internet 5 (2) 161–182.

Dr Nick Anstead was appointed as a Lecturer in the LSE’s Department of Media and Communication in September 2010, with a focus on Political Communication. His research focuses on the relationship between existing political institutions and new media, covering such topics as the impact of the Internet on politics and government (especially e-campaigning), electoral competition and political campaigns, the history and future development of political parties, and political mobilisation and encouraging participation in civil society.

Dr Michael Jensen is a Research Fellow at the ANZSOG Institute for Governance (ANZSIG), University of Canberra. His research spans the subdisciplines of political communication, social movements, political participation, and political campaigning and elections. In the last few years, he has worked particularly with the analysis of social media data and other digital artefacts, contributing to the emerging field of computational social science.
