Tools – The Policy and Internet Blog Understanding public policy online Mon, 07 Dec 2020 14:25:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 P-values are widely used in the social sciences, but often misunderstood: and that’s a problem. Mon, 07 Mar 2016 18:53:29 +0000 P-values are widely used in the social sciences, especially ‘big data’ studies, to calculate statistical significance. Yet they are widely criticized for being easily hacked, and for not telling us what we want to know. Many have argued that, as a result, research is wrong far more often than we realize. In their recent article P-values: Misunderstood and Misused OII Research Fellow Taha Yasseri and doctoral student Bertie Vidgen argue that we need to make standards for interpreting p-values more stringent, and also improve transparency in the academic reporting process, if we are to maximise the value of statistical analysis.

“Significant”: an illustration of selective reporting and statistical significance from XKCD. Available online at
“Significant”: an illustration of selective reporting and
statistical significance from XKCD. Available online at

In an unprecedented move, the American Statistical Association recently released a statement (March 7 2016) warning against how p-values are currently used. This reflects a growing concern in academic circles that whilst a lot of attention is paid to the huge impact of big data and algorithmic decision-making, there is considerably less focus on the crucial role played by statistics in enabling effective analysis of big data sets, and making sense of the complex relationships contained within them. Because much as datafication has created huge social opportunities, it has also brought to the fore many problems and limitations with current statistical practices. In particular, the deluge of data has made it crucial that we can work out whether studies are ‘significant’. In our paper, published three days before the ASA’s statement, we argued that the most commonly used tool in the social sciences for calculating significance – the p-value – is misused, misunderstood and, most importantly, doesn’t tell us what we want to know.

The basic problem of ‘significance’ is simple: it is simply unpractical to repeat an experiment an infinite number of times to make sure that what we observe is “universal”. The same applies to our sample size: we are often unable to analyse a “whole population” sample and so have to generalize from our observations on a limited size sample to the whole population. The obvious problem here is that what we observe is based on a limited number of experiments (sometimes only one experiment) and from a limited size sample, and as such could have been generated by chance rather than by an underlying universal mechanism! We might find it impossible to make the same observation if we were to replicate the same experiment multiple times or analyse a larger sample. If this is the case then we will mischaracterise what is happening – which is a really big problem given the growing importance of ‘evidence-based’ public policy. If our evidence is faulty or unreliable then we will create policies, or intervene in social settings, in an equally faulty way.

The way that social scientists have got round this problem (that samples might not be representative of the population) is through the ‘p-value’. The p-value tells you the probability of making a similar observation in a sample with the same size and in the same number of experiments, by pure chance In other words,  it is actually telling you is how likely it is that you would see the same relationship between X and Y even if no relationship exists between them. On the face of it this is pretty useful, and in the social sciences we normally say that a p-value of 1 in 20 means the results are significant. Yet as the American Statistical Association has just noted, even though they are incredibly widespread many researchers mis-interpret what p-values really mean.

In our paper we argued that p-values are misunderstood and misused because people think the p-value tells you much more than it really does. In particular, people think the p-value tells you (i) how likely it is that a relationship between X and Y really exists and (ii) the percentage of all findings that are false (which is actually something different called the False Discovery Rate). As a result, we are far too confident that academic studies are correct. Some commentators have argued that at least 30% of studies are wrong because of problems related to p-values: a huge figure. One of the main problems is that p-values can be ‘hacked’ and as such easily manipulated to show significance when none exists.

If we are going to base public policy (and as such public funding) on ‘evidence’ then we need to make sure that the evidence used is reliable. P-values need to be used far more rigorously, with significance levels of 0.01 or 0.001 seen as standard. We also need to start being more open and transparent about how results are recorded. It is a fine line between data exploration (a legitimate academic exercise) and ‘data dredging’ (where results are manipulated in order to find something noteworthy). Only if researchers are honest about what they are doing will we be able to maximise the potential benefits offered by Big Data. Luckily there are some great initiatives – like the Open Science Framework – which improve transparency around the research process, and we fully endorse researchers making use of these platforms.

Scientific knowledge advances through corroboration and incremental progress, and it is crucial that we use and interpret statistics appropriately to ensure this progress continues. As our knowledge and use of big data methods increase, we need to ensure that our statistical tools keep pace.

Read the full paper: Vidgen, B. and Yasseri, T., (2016) P-values: Misunderstood and Misused, Frontiers in Physics, 4:6.

Bertie Vidgen is a doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute researching far-right extremism in online contexts. He is supervised by Dr Taha Yasseri, a research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute interested in how Big Data can be used to understand human dynamics, government-society interactions, mass collaboration, and opinion dynamics.

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Online crowd-sourcing of scientific data could document the worldwide loss of glaciers to climate change Tue, 14 May 2013 09:12:33 +0000 Ed: Project Pressure has created a platform for crowdsourcing glacier imagery, often photographs taken by climbers and trekkers. Why are scientists interested in these images? And what’s the scientific value of the data set that’s being gathered by the platform?

Klaus: Comparative photography using historical photography allows year-on-year comparisons to document glacier change. The platform aims to create long-lasting scientific value with minimal technical entry barriers — it is valuable to have a global resource that combines photographs generated by Project Pressure in less documented areas, with crowdsourced images taken by for example by climbers and trekkers, combined with archival pictures. The platform is future focused and will hopefully allow an up-to-date view on glaciers across the planet.

The other ways for scientists to monitor glaciers takes a lot of time and effort; direct measurements of snow fall is a complicated, resource intensive and time-consuming process. And while glacier outlines can be traced from satellite imagery, this still needs to be done manually. Also, you can’t measure the thickness, images can be obscured by debris and cloud cover, and some areas just don’t have very many satellite fly-bys.

Ed: There are estimates that the glaciers of Montana’s Glacier National Park will likely to be gone by 2020 and the Ugandan glaciers by 2025, and the Alps are rapidly turning into a region of lakes. These are the famous and very visible examples of glacier loss — what’s the scale of the missing data globally?

Klaus: There’s a lot of great research being conducted in this area, however there are approximately 300,000 glaciers world wide, with huge data gaps in South America and the Himalayas for instance. Sharing of Himalayan data between Indian and Chinese scientists has been a sensitive issue, given glacier meltwater is an important strategic resource in the region. But this is a popular trekking route, and it is relatively easy to gather open-source data from the public. Furthermore, there are also numerous national and scientific archives with images lying around that don’t have a central home.

Ed: What metadata are being collected for the crowdsourced images?

Klaus: The public can upload their own photos embedded with GPS, compass direction, and date. This data is aggregated into a single managed platform. With GPS becoming standard in cameras, it’s very simple contribute to the project — taking photos with embedded GPS data is almost foolproof. The public can also contribute by uploading archival images and adding GPS data to old photographs.

Ed: So you are crowd sourcing the gathering of this data; are there any plans to crowd-source the actual analysis?

Klaus: It’s important to note that accuracy is very important in a database, and the automated (or semiautomated) process of data generation should result in good data. And while the analytical side should be done be professionals, we are making the data open source so it can be used in education for instance. We need to take harness what crowds are good at, and know what the limitations are.

Ed: You mentioned in your talk that the sheer amount of climate data — and also the way it is communicated — means that the public has become disconnected from the reality and urgency of climate change: how is the project working to address this? What are the future plans?

Klaus: Recent studies have demonstrated a disconnect between scientific information regarding climate change and the public. The problem is not access to scientific information, but the fact that is can be overwhelming. Project Pressure is working to reconnect the public with the urgency of the problem by inspiring people to action and participation, and to engage with climate change. Project Pressure is very scalable in terms of the scientific knowledge required to use the platform: from kids to scientists. On the interface one can navigate the world, find locations and directions of photographs, and once funding permits we will also add the time-dimension.

Ed: Project Pressure has deliberately taken a non-political stance on climate change: can you explain why?

Klaus: Climate change has unfortunately become a political subject, but we want to preserve our integrity by not taking a political stance. It’s important that everyone can engage with Project Pressure regardless of their political views. We want to be an independent, objective partner.

Ed: Finally .. what’s your own background? How did you get involved?

Klaus: I’m the founder, and my background is in communication and photography. Input on how to strengthen the conceptualisation has come from a range of very smart people; in particular, Dr M. Zemph from the World Glacier Monitoring Service has been very valuable.

Klaus Thymann was talking at the OII on 18 March 2013; he talked later to blog editor David Sutcliffe.
